House Roofing services in Nigeria

PopAndpolystyrene Ceiling Solutions For Your Property


  • Pop/polystyrene ceiling solutions is the appropriate ceiling for your home followed only by drop-down ceiling, asbestos ceiling, and PVC ceiling. Below are why you should consider pop/polystyrene ceiling solutions for home: • You don't have to worry about Insects scrolling down from the roofing into your cozy rooms as it is common with asbestos or PVC ceiling . • Completely give beauty to all other decorations in your home ,like: painting, screeding, tv designs, wall murals, etc. • Polystyrene ceiling especially , is waterproof, with this you are assured of saving time and cost, because if your home is leaking, you simply repair the leak of your home and off you go. • Pop/polystyrene ceiling solutions never have any aged swelling that is common with asbestos and PVC ceiling. The advantages are numerous if you get it done for your home. Why Choose us: • Get 10sqm off every 100sqm of your projects because we want you to have a good deal and value for your money. • Judicious use of your materials for solid and durable results. • Straight forward workmanship pricing (Polystyrene ceiling only #900 per square meter and POP ceiling only #1,200 per square meter) • Dedicated to finishing your work only, we won't abandon your project for others ( we only leave when your work is satisfactorily done) Call us now to get free quote and then we come over to get it done for your home Pricing In Summary: ● Polystyrene ceiling #900 per square meter. ● POP ceiling #1,200 per square meter. For projects outside Abuja you're responsible for our conveyance to your location around Nigeria.


Abuja City Centre

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