Banner Ads Placement

Connect and reach out to hundreds of thousands of people by placing your banner ads on With hundreds of thousands of page views per month, you can be sure that there is a large audience for your products, services and ideas. We have just two categories of banner ads: Top Page Ads and Targeted Ads which are both described below.


Top Page Ads

Place Your Ad on top areas of our website

Do you want to create more awareness for your business? Do you want to attract more clients and patronage? The best way to do this is to make your ads appear on the top of most pages of our platform. PLACE TOP PAGE ADVERT FOR

Some of the benefits of placing top page banner ads on include:

-Top page banner ads can be linked to other platforms.
Your banner ads on anyservice could be linked such that when people tap on them they are sent to your website, Anyservice ad, Instagram business page or Whatsapp business handle. Thus, your customers don’t only see your ads, they can also communicate with you immediately. The wonderful thing about this is that you do not face the risk losing of your customers due to side distractions.

-Top page banner ads have a nationwide reach.
As an online media, people can log on to the platform from anywhere in the world and we have a good nationwide coverage for services. Our marketing efforts concentrate our reach on Lagos, Abuja, Ogun, Edo, Anambra and Oyo states. This means that your single advert can reach the entire nation through a single advert channel.

-Top page banner ads are cheaper to subscribe.
We know that every business needs awareness but unfortunately most advert media are very expensive costing hundreds of thousands of naira to start. On, you can start your top page banner ads with as low as 2,800 naira.

-Top page banner ads are easily visible.
These ads are placed on the top part of all the pages on our website. They are the first thing a web visitor sees as he browses from one page to another on This type ad is good for creating massive awareness.

finding a service on background

Targeted Advert Placement

Do you want to create more awareness for your business?
Do you want to attract more clients and patronage?
The best way to do this is to place ads which target specific people with respect their interested. PLACE TOP TARGETED ADVERT FOR

Some of the benefits of placing targeted banner ads on include:

-Targeted ads are directed to people based on their interests.
This means that you can choose which people see your ads. For instance, if you sell beauty products or services, you may want your adverts to reach people searching any of the over 30 subcategories under “Beauty & Fashion”, “Home or Office” and “Entertainment”. You target these 3 categories because you believe that people looking for these services are most likely to purchase your products or services. This makes it possible for your advert to reach your target audience.

-Targeted banner ads can be linked to other platforms.
Your banner ads on anyservice could be linked such that when people tap on them they are sent to your website, Anyservice ad, Instagram business page or Whatsapp business handle. Thus, your customers don’t only see your ads, they can also communicate with you immediately. The wonderful thing about this is that you do not face the risk losing of your customers due to side distractions.

-Targeted banner ads have a nationwide reach.
As an online media, people can log on to the platform from anywhere in the world and we have a good nationwide coverage for services. Our marketing efforts concentrate our reach on Lagos, Abuja, Ogun, Edo, Anambra and Oyo states. This means that your single advert can reach the entire nation through a single advert channel.

-Targeted banner ads are cheaper to subscribe.
We know that every business needs awareness but unfortunately most advert media are very expensive costing hundreds of thousands of naira to start. On, you can start your top page banner ads with as low as stated below

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