Iron bender

No 487 dorayi babba yamadawa, Kano City, Kano 133 Views

Iron bender
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Iron bender Am making lintre, pillar, basket, slop, daking, bridge work and any other services

  • Provider

    Isa jibril lawan

  • Email

  • Category

    Building Mechanical and Fabrication

  • Specialty

    Other Mechanical Services

  • Provides service at customer location


  • Address

    No 487 dorayi babba yamadawa

  • City

    Kano City

  • State



Show Phone Number
Posted 04-Oct-19 14:14
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Safety Tips for Users

  • Make sure to meet service provider in public place.
  • Do not pay before a service is rendered.
  • Conduct security checks on personal and home service providers.
  • Tell the service provider that you found him/here on
  • Come back and rate service provider after he/she has rendered service.

  • Comment Form

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    П о з д р а в л я е м В а с с П о б е д о й в Г о с Л о т о ! О т к р ы т ь В а ш в ы и г р ы ш н ы й б и л е т : TUJE855418MTGJNF   Д а р и м В а м л o т e p e й н ы й б и л е т . Ж е л а е м в а м п о б е д ы ! П е р е й т и к п о л у ч е н и ю в ы и г р ы ш н о г о б и л е т а : MTGJNF855418THRT.
    Commented on 26-Nov-20 13:01:23.

    anyservice commenter img

    num475332krya   mps475332utr 02k7McQ j5om QClldsr.
    Commented on 01-Jan-21 14:42:09.

    anyservice commenter img

    nem475332tetcher   mns475332rtjuny WHN2cpC 92rO RpWQWXO.
    Commented on 02-Jan-21 08:28:23.

    anyservice commenter img

    fek   Hi, this is Anna. I am sending you my intimate photos as I promised.
    Commented on 12-Jan-21 12:49:40.

    anyservice commenter img

    nam647820krya   mps647820rttyneg RmlVJ19 lrHo RCFurmM.
    Commented on 24-May-21 01:01:41.

    anyservice commenter img

    num647820tetcher   mks647820ngkyt kgTWq9k c5UQ 6nrUijH.
    Commented on 25-May-21 19:21:43.

    anyservice commenter img

    nam647820tetcher   mps647820uttjr PUuN5YI TePu 3tQM9gh.
    Commented on 27-May-21 14:08:43.

    anyservice commenter img

    num542174krya   mis542174utr 2HskSie In94 bI0HRYf.
    Commented on 07-Nov-21 19:08:48.

    anyservice commenter img

    nam542174krya   mis542174rttyneg GcWOCAg hMt2 b7j5GUG.
    Commented on 09-Nov-21 16:43:02.

    anyservice commenter img

    nym3284350flebno   mks3284350uttjr OTAAfcB sRok EYBPKI9.
    Commented on 30-Dec-21 01:02:12.

    anyservice commenter img

    num1406929krya   mss1406929uttjr v6cTtGv Dp0k VMqcUzx.
    Commented on 22-Jan-22 23:59:06.

    anyservice commenter img

    Uttext   We have prepared a special offer for you. Take your 500$
    Commented on 10-May-22 10:30:10.

    anyservice commenter img

    Uttext   We have prepared a special offer for you. Take your 500$
    Commented on 10-May-22 15:40:07.

    anyservice commenter img

    Uttext   We have prepared a special offer for you. Take your 500$
    Commented on 11-May-22 14:34:51.

    anyservice commenter img

    nym2675628krya   mks2675628errtbh y3B9deQ qCqh WDewPkp.
    Commented on 24-May-22 06:48:45.

    anyservice commenter img

    nym3389533flebno   mks3389533uttjr mJVq7Fw 0GuB be6gMQn.
    Commented on 24-May-22 11:41:50.

    anyservice commenter img

    nym2675628flebno   mks2675628ngkyt m5iFdCK C3Rr spN9prx.
    Commented on 25-May-22 06:56:49.

    anyservice commenter img

    nym3389533krya   mis3389533ngkyt 7Q79MUj AxD7 pCuJwPr.
    Commented on 25-May-22 15:21:06.

    anyservice commenter img

    Commented on 06-Jan-24 16:45:00.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   You have been awarded dividends from securities. You need to follow the link
    Commented on 22-Jan-24 11:13:06.

    anyservice commenter img

    Commented on 10-Dec-24 03:36:56.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To stop deletion and claim your balance, please access your account and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, visit our Telegram group:
    Commented on 25-Dec-24 14:19:16.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To avoid deletion and retrieve your funds, please sign in and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For assistance, connect with us on our Telegram group:
    Commented on 31-Dec-24 11:59:28.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To prevent deletion and retrieve your funds, please sign in and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For support, visit our Telegram group:
    Commented on 13-Jan-25 09:20:11.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To avoid removal and claim your balance, please sign in and initiate a payout within 24 hours. For help, visit our Telegram group:
    Commented on 14-Jan-25 08:18:58.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To stop removal and retrieve your balance, please access your account and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, join our Telegram group:
    Commented on 15-Jan-25 10:09:21.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To prevent removal and claim your balance, please access your account and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, join our Telegram group:
    Commented on 16-Jan-25 17:19:42.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To avoid removal and retrieve your balance, please log in and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For support, visit our Telegram group:
    Commented on 18-Jan-25 12:42:29.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To avoid removal and retrieve your funds, please log in and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, connect with us on our Telegram group:
    Commented on 21-Jan-25 01:57:03.

    anyservice commenter img

    Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To avoid deletion and retrieve your balance, please sign in and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, join our Telegram group:
    Commented on 06-Feb-25 13:39:52.

    Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

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    at FileSessionHandler->write('J2EhE3hEWS8zY668K9KmzMwAOq1bcBNCCKcXj4Hh', 'a:3:{s:6:"_token";s:40:"gCwdGvdDl8JU0qGDu5apaFR7AMkEl7fwUqwCwk36";s:9:"_previous";a:1:{s:3:"url";s:46:"";}s:6:"_flash";a:2:{s:3:"old";a:0:{}s:3:"new";a:0:{}}}')in Store.php line 128
    at Store->save()in StartSession.php line 88
    at StartSession->terminate(object(Request), object(Response))in Kernel.php line 218
    at Kernel->terminateMiddleware(object(Request), object(Response))in Kernel.php line 189
    at Kernel->terminate(object(Request), object(Response))in index.php line 58