No 487 dorayi babba yamadawa, Kano City, Kano
Iron bender Am making lintre, pillar, basket, slop, daking, bridge work and any other services
Isa jibril lawan
Building Mechanical and Fabrication
Other Mechanical Services
No 487 dorayi babba yamadawa
Kano City
П о з д р а в л я е м В а с с П о б е д о й в Г о с Л о т о ! О т к р ы т ь В а ш в ы и г р ы ш н ы й б и л е т : TUJE855418MTGJNF   Д а р и м В а м л o т e p e й н ы й б и л е т . Ж е л а е м в а м п о б е д ы ! П е р е й т и к п о л у ч е н и ю в ы и г р ы ш н о г о б и л е т а : MTGJNF855418THRT.
Commented on 26-Nov-20 13:01:23.
num475332krya   mps475332utr 02k7McQ j5om QClldsr.
Commented on 01-Jan-21 14:42:09.
nem475332tetcher   mns475332rtjuny WHN2cpC 92rO RpWQWXO.
Commented on 02-Jan-21 08:28:23.
fek   Hi, this is Anna. I am sending you my intimate photos as I promised.
Commented on 12-Jan-21 12:49:40.
nam647820krya   mps647820rttyneg RmlVJ19 lrHo RCFurmM.
Commented on 24-May-21 01:01:41.
num647820tetcher   mks647820ngkyt kgTWq9k c5UQ 6nrUijH.
Commented on 25-May-21 19:21:43.
nam647820tetcher   mps647820uttjr PUuN5YI TePu 3tQM9gh.
Commented on 27-May-21 14:08:43.
num542174krya   mis542174utr 2HskSie In94 bI0HRYf.
Commented on 07-Nov-21 19:08:48.
nam542174krya   mis542174rttyneg GcWOCAg hMt2 b7j5GUG.
Commented on 09-Nov-21 16:43:02.
nym3284350flebno   mks3284350uttjr OTAAfcB sRok EYBPKI9.
Commented on 30-Dec-21 01:02:12.
num1406929krya   mss1406929uttjr v6cTtGv Dp0k VMqcUzx.
Commented on 22-Jan-22 23:59:06.
Uttext   We have prepared a special offer for you. Take your 500$
Commented on 10-May-22 10:30:10.
Uttext   We have prepared a special offer for you. Take your 500$
Commented on 10-May-22 15:40:07.
Uttext   We have prepared a special offer for you. Take your 500$
Commented on 11-May-22 14:34:51.
nym2675628krya   mks2675628errtbh y3B9deQ qCqh WDewPkp.
Commented on 24-May-22 06:48:45.
nym3389533flebno   mks3389533uttjr mJVq7Fw 0GuB be6gMQn.
Commented on 24-May-22 11:41:50.
nym2675628flebno   mks2675628ngkyt m5iFdCK C3Rr spN9prx.
Commented on 25-May-22 06:56:49.
nym3389533krya   mis3389533ngkyt 7Q79MUj AxD7 pCuJwPr.
Commented on 25-May-22 15:21:06.
Commented on 06-Jan-24 16:45:00.
Dafdodab   You have been awarded dividends from securities. You need to follow the link
Commented on 22-Jan-24 11:13:06.
Commented on 10-Dec-24 03:36:56.
Dafdodab   Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To stop deletion and claim your balance, please access your account and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, visit our Telegram group:
Commented on 25-Dec-24 14:19:16.
Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To avoid deletion and retrieve your funds, please sign in and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For assistance, connect with us on our Telegram group:
Commented on 31-Dec-24 11:59:28.
Dafdodab   Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To prevent deletion and retrieve your funds, please sign in and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For support, visit our Telegram group:
Commented on 13-Jan-25 09:20:11.
Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To avoid removal and claim your balance, please sign in and initiate a payout within 24 hours. For help, visit our Telegram group:
Commented on 14-Jan-25 08:18:58.
Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To stop removal and retrieve your balance, please access your account and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, join our Telegram group:
Commented on 15-Jan-25 10:09:21.
Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To prevent removal and claim your balance, please access your account and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, join our Telegram group:
Commented on 16-Jan-25 17:19:42.
Dafdodab   Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To avoid removal and retrieve your balance, please log in and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For support, visit our Telegram group:
Commented on 18-Jan-25 12:42:29.
Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To avoid removal and retrieve your funds, please log in and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, connect with us on our Telegram group:
Commented on 21-Jan-25 01:57:03.
Dafdodab   Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To avoid deletion and retrieve your balance, please sign in and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, join our Telegram group:
Commented on 06-Feb-25 13:39:52.