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Food Processing services in Kano

08120776381 Fortune Rice Mill Nigeria Limited We manufacture and distribute packaged food products to African markets

Kano state

  • We offer good quality, inexpensive feed, and day-old-chicks to farmers, which also contributes to food security. Our mill farm produces 36,000 metric tonnes of rice for local markets under brands such as Mama’s Pride and Mama’s Choice. The brands of rice we produce:  Optimum Rice  Mama Gold    Mama’s Pride  Mama Choice Etc......  Crown Flour Mills is Nigeria's second largest wheat miller, with two state-of-the-art facilities in Lagos, and one in Port Harcourt.   Brands of flour we produce:  Mama Gold Flour  Mix & Bake Superb Flour   Bakewell Flour   Supreme Lite Flour   Bua & Crown Premium Flour Etc.......  Brands of Animal feed we produce: POULTRY   Ultima Feeds   Chikun Feeds FISH FEEDS   Ecofloat Feeds  Aqualis Feeds   Blue crown feedstock  We support an ‘out-grower program’ for local rice-growing communities, offering training, pre-finance, fertilizer, and seeds to improve their paddy yields. lagos rice mill generates tens of thousands of indirect jobs through our network of farmers, suppliers/ wholesalers, local buying agents, and service providers. In addition to our internal sourcing and markets, we also have significant import and export operations. to place an order you can contact us on 09033488091 Lagos Rice Mill Nigeria Limited We manufacture and distribute packaged food products to African markets, addressing localized nutrition needs by offering affordable and fortified products. We offer good quality, inexpensive feed, and day-old-chicks to farmers, which also contributes to food security. Our mill farm produces 36,000 metric tonnes of rice for local markets under brands such as Mama’s Pride and Mama’s Choice. The brands of rice we produce:   Mama Gold    Mama’s Pride  Mama Choice Etc......  Crown Flour Mills is Nigeria's second largest wheat miller, with two state-of-the-art facilities in Lagos, and one in Port Harcourt.   Brands of flour we produce:  Mama Gold Flour  Mix & Bake Superb Flour   Bakewell Flour   Supreme Lite Flour   Bua & Crown Premium Flour Etc.......  Brands of Animal feed we produce: POULTRY   Ultima Feeds   Chikun Feeds FISH FEEDS   Ecofloat Feeds  Aqualis Feeds   Blue crown feedstock  We support an ‘out-grower program’ for local rice-growing communities, offering training, pre-finance, fertilizer, and seeds to improve their paddy yields. lagos rice mill generates tens of thousands of indirect jobs through our network of farmers, suppliers/ wholesalers, local buying agents, and service providers. In addition to our internal sourcing and markets, we also have significant import and export operations. to place an order you can contact us on 08120776381  Fortune Nigeria Limited  


Kano City

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