Coheirs technology limited

22 otigba street computer village, Ikeja, Lagos 105 Views

Coheirs technology limited
Coheirs technology limited
Coheirs technology limited
Coheirs technology limited
Coheirs technology limited
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Computer sales accessories maintenance and repair

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    Coheirs technology limited

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  • Category

    Computer Mobile and IT

  • Specialty

    IT Services

  • Provides service at customer location


  • Address

    22 otigba street computer village

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Coheirs technology limited provider

Coheirs technology limited

IT Services services provider


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Posted 07-Jul-20 22:13
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Safety Tips for Users

  • Make sure to meet service provider in public place.
  • Do not pay before a service is rendered.
  • Conduct security checks on personal and home service providers.
  • Tell the service provider that you found him/here on
  • Come back and rate service provider after he/she has rendered service.


    Block 9, flat 1, LSDPC Building, Masha Road , Babajide Bus stop, Surulere.

    • Bypassing Crude Methods of Conducting Examinations in Nigeria(Paper & Pen)? : CBT as the perfect solution Take your students to the next level in Examinations with CBT. For setup or installation Call CROWNSTAR TECHNOLOGIES 08126151033, 08171984884 Let us give you the best CBT Software Benefits of Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Data rich results Paper testing provides only the basic information required for simple analysis (item number, response and the answer key) whereas technology-based test delivery makes it much easier to access a rich array of data, including start and end time, break periods, time spent on each item/group/section and integrated survey responses. Candidate demographics can also be more easily analysed against results. Constructed responses, such as freeform text and essays, can be collected electronically and easily scored without the challenges associated with hand-written responses. Unlike pen and paper exams, CBT collects a lot more information than just the candidate’s responses. CBT can capture data about the actually test such as candidate name and ID, start time, end time, date, workstation ID, as well as the sequence questions were answered, correct responses, candidate responses, time spent on a question etc. This information can be used to make informed decisions about your testing programme. Increasing candidate reach Computer-based testing (CBT) gives awarding bodies the opportunity to remove geographical barriers and reach more students. Whereas paper-based exams are traditionally sat in central testing facilities, CBT brings the exciting potential for assessments to be taken in any location, subject to any concerns over security and integrity being answered of course. E-learning is already reaching people in remote parts of the world and providing flexibility to candidates with personalised learning and mobile teaching options. This gives students the option to learn when and where they like. Unlike face to face teaching, the curriculum content delivered to candidates is the same regardless of location, ensuring students learn using a common methodology.




    Beta Computers Limited

    13, Adebola street, Surulere, Lagos Nigeria

    • VISION To Be The Most Trusted, Dependable And No.1 IT Solutions Provider In Nigeria And The West African Sub-Region MISSION To Provide High Quality IT Products And Services Utilizing Best Corporate And Management Practices. To Produce Superior Performances That Provide Satisfying Professional Working Environment And Handsome Returns For Our Stakeholders. CORE VALUES Customer Satisfaction Professionalism Innovation Mutually Beneficial Partnerships High Ethical, Moral and Religious Standards Beta computers QUALITY POLICY STATEMENT BETA COMPUTERS Limited, incorporated in Nigeria in February, 1989, is an Information Technology Solutions Company. It is providing IT solutions and services to a wide range of customers from small and medium to large multinational enterprises. The policy of BETA is to achieve sustained and profitable growth through the provision of high quality IT products and services. Those consistently meet the needs and exceed the expectations of our customers. We don’t back out after any sale or project. We are committed to superior Continuing Support, Quality and Excellence (CSQE) in our service delivery. Towards delivering on this commitment: Our business is organized, planned and executed on the basis of reliable business processes. Best practices are maintained to ensure our customers are satisfied always. Ensure that all categories of our products/service conform to the quality (ISO 9001:2015) requirements specified by local regulatory and international best-practice standards. Continually improving our products, services and the effectiveness of our organizations Quality Management System. We do it through periodic review of this policy and corporate objectives, for adequacy and relevance. The MD is responsible for the overall corporate performance of Beta Computers Limited’s QMS Policy. He has delegated responsibility and authority for implementation, management, communication and continual improvement to the Managers at relevant functions. This policy is communicated to employees through notices, inductions, trainings, etc. The Managing Director (or delegated executive) acts as the Quality Director. He ensures the availability of all resources required to meet the QMS objectives. Policies comply with all relevant statutory and safety requirements. As appropriate, all our stakeholders, including visitors to our premises are expected to acknowledge and comply with BETA’s relevant QMS procedures and processes. This quality policy will be reviewed annually. It will be revised as appropriate and made available to employees and the public upon request.




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    at FileSessionHandler->write('hyknc9g7FZx1CHuoRCego1mzEmQqxUntaNJ3vMw8', 'a:3:{s:6:"_token";s:40:"gqzs7bIdJ9bIP00D7nOJiLh02aQ1F8mtk3FhTkGU";s:9:"_previous";a:1:{s:3:"url";s:46:"";}s:6:"_flash";a:2:{s:3:"old";a:0:{}s:3:"new";a:0:{}}}')in Store.php line 128
    at Store->save()in StartSession.php line 88
    at StartSession->terminate(object(Request), object(Response))in Kernel.php line 218
    at Kernel->terminateMiddleware(object(Request), object(Response))in Kernel.php line 189
    at Kernel->terminate(object(Request), object(Response))in index.php line 58