How to get more clients for your business through your ad (Organic Method)

There are 2 ways of getting more clients through your Anyservice ad. You can do it organically through the organic method or you can follow the paid method by boosting your ad. Both methods are effective although they do not give same results. In this post, we shall discuss in full how to do it organically and the importance of using the organic method.


Your Anyservice ad is like your branch office where people who need your services and expertise come to find you. Although it is expensive to set up a physical branch office for your business, we made registration on our platform free. Just like you do for every branch office you open for your business where you have to tell people, and print flyers to tell the public about your new branch office, you need to also tell people about your anyservice ad. And the best way to tell more people about your Anyservice ad without spending a dime for advertisements is through social media posts.


Steps to get more clients organically

How to get more clients organically In order to get more clients, first, you need to get more eyes (people) to see your ad. Here are what you need to do to get more people to see your ad:

1. Regularly share the links to your adverts on your various social media platforms.

2. Do not just share the link, but also write some things that clearly describes your business and what you can offer

3. In some posts tell people what differentiates your business from other businesses and include the link to your advert.


Here is how to share your ad on social media.

1.            Login to your Anyservice account.

2.            Click on “My Services” to see the screen below. You can even scroll down and click on “Manage Services” to see the same screen.

3.            Click on Share to choose the social media platform where you wish to share your ad.


4.            Then put up a good write-up that describes your job and click “Post” to share your ad.

Note, this write up could be an advise, a safety tip, guide on how to do things better, faster or cheaper. 

Importance of sharing your ad on social media

Sharing your ad on social media has 2 results:

The first result is that it allows your friends, followers and friends of your friends to know about your business. It also tells them that you have moved your business online. In essence, it makes peoples see your business in a different light. They will no longer see your business as ORDINARY if they used to see it that way. All because you have moved it online. They will also be proud to refer their friends to your business. This practically causes more clicks on your ad and more patronage.

Sharing your ad improves the search engine optimization (SEO) for your advert. Remember that our Ad is a webpage. And just like every webpage or website you can improve the SEO. When any page on the internet gets more and more visits and searches, different search engines (like Google and Bing) start taking note of the webpage and tend to show more and more people information about that webpage when they search. This is what happens when you share your ad and more people click on your ad. Itforces the search engines to show your ad to more people as it believes that your page is relevant to people search the internet and this means more eyes to your ad and more clients to your business.

Endeavour to share your ads daily to improve your ad SEO.

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