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Fumigation & Pest Control services in Enugu

Ecoscience Bioenvironmental Services Ltd

Block 11 Liberty Centre, Liberty Centre, Independence Layout, Enugu

  • Has Your Home or Business Been Invaded by Pests? Don’t worry again; you’re in the right place! When you choose a Pest Management partner, you need to feel confident that they will provide the best services with as little disruption to your daily life as possible. That’s where the professional Pest Management partners at Ecoscience Pest Solutions would help! We leverage more than 15 years industry experience to provide reliable pest control service, offering you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your pest problem is over. We have built our sound reputation by partnering with only the most qualified industry professionals. We leverage innovation solutions with high-tech equipment and tools to provide the highest quality of safe solutions and control systems for results you can count on. This, coupled with our exceptional customer service and back office team is guaranteed to resolve your pest problems – now and into the future. At Ecoscience, we understand that a pest-free environment is crucial for a successful business. Our trained and certified pest management professionals possess the certification, expertise, and tools to rid your business of pesky insects, birds, and rodents all year round. We provide our clients with carefully crafted pest management solutions designed to meet your specific needs and requirements. Recognized for our pest management expertise, our safe and certified solutions will rid your home or office of unwanted guests. In fact, we guarantee it!


Enugu City

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