Prime kiddies crèche and After school care

ETF Library building, GSS Tudun Wada Wuse zone 4, Abuja City Centre, Abuja 142 Views

Prime kiddies crèche and After school care
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We are a new crèche that is committed to taking care of your children while you go about your business with zero worries. Opening hours are 7am-5pm Mondays - Fridays except national holidays.

  • Provider

    Prime kiddies crèche

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  • Category

    Other Services

  • Specialty

    Other Services

  • Provides service at customer location


  • Address

    ETF Library building, GSS Tudun Wada Wuse zone 4

  • City

    Abuja City Centre

  • State


Prime kiddies crèche and After school care provider

Prime kiddies crèche

Other Services services provider


Show Phone Number
Posted 29-Dec-18 02:30
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Safety Tips for Users

  • Make sure to meet service provider in public place.
  • Do not pay before a service is rendered.
  • Conduct security checks on personal and home service providers.
  • Tell the service provider that you found him/here on
  • Come back and rate service provider after he/she has rendered service.

  • stamp concrete floor pictures

    Lugbe Airport Road Abuja

    • Stamped concrete floors are created through a multi-step process that involves pouring concrete, adding color and texture, and imprinting patterns using specialized stamps. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved in making stamped concrete floors: Surface Preparation: The surface where the stamped concrete will be installed is thoroughly cleaned and prepared. This includes removing any existing coatings, sealants, or debris, and repairing any cracks, chips, or uneven areas. Concrete Mixing: A concrete mix is prepared according to the desired specifications, including the appropriate ratio of cement, aggregates, water, and additives. Integral color or surface-applied color hardeners may also be added at this stage to achieve the desired color. Pouring Concrete: The prepared concrete mix is poured onto the prepared surface and spread evenly to create a uniform base for stamping. It's important to work quickly and efficiently to ensure that the concrete remains workable during the stamping process. Coloring: Integral color or surface-applied color hardeners are added to the concrete to achieve the desired hue and tone. Pigments or stains may also be used to create variegated effects or enhance the depth and richness of the color. Stamping: While the concrete is still in its plastic or semi-fluid state, specialized stamps or molds are pressed into the surface to impart texture and pattern. Stamps are typically made of polyurethane or rubber and come in various sizes and configurations to create realistic textures and patterns. Detailing: Additional detailing and customization may be done using hand tools or specialty stamps to create borders, medallions, or intricate designs. Control joints are also cut into the surface to control cracking and provide a natural-looking division between sections. Curing: Once the stamping process is complete, the stamped concrete is allowed to cure properly to achieve maximum strength and durability. This typically involves keeping the surface moist and protected from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures for a specified period of time.

    Rating   3.9878



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    at Kernel->terminate(object(Request), object(Response))in index.php line 58