Justin LGD

Eric Moore towers, Lagos Island, Lagos 125 Views

Justin LGD
Justin LGD
Justin LGD
Justin LGD
Justin LGD
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Singer-songwriter, Justin LGD's music infuses smooth R&B vocals and sweet gospel harmonies into contemporary pop and Afrobeat rhythms - creating a unique brand of conscious music and soulful rhythms (vibes) that uplifts and inspires. Justin's upcoming album/Ep, Time is Now, is a continuation of his work to bring his real person, enlightenment and healing to the world through music in these troublous times. He was born and raised in Lagos City. in 2010 he joined his church choir where he developed his skills in singing and also playing of the piano. Justin LGD's role models were singers like Billie Elish, Justin Bieber, Asake, Shawn mendez, Rhianna, Doja cat and Selena gomez. Following the lead of such vocal trailblazers, the talented young artist, trained himself for years singing, and mixing hes own songs. As a teenager during his school times, Justin LGD'S passion for Afrobeat was kindled by the truth and rights message and revolutionary sound of the Legendary musician timaya.

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    Justin LGD

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    Eric Moore towers

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    Lagos Island

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Posted 13-Jul-22 08:50
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    Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

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