Series Jamaican Locs

128 128 Rumuepirikom/Iwofe Rd, Port Harcourt, Rivers 410 Views

Series Jamaican Locs
Series Jamaican Locs
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Our mission at Series Jamaican Locs is to celebrate and embrace the beauty of locs while providing a friendly and exceptional experience for our customers. We believe that locs are not just a hairstyle, but a symbol of strength, individuality, and cultural heritage. We are passionate about creating a space where everyone feels welcome and supported on their loc journey. Our team of skilled and knowledgeable professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch services, using only the finest quality products that enhance the natural beauty of your locs. We take pride in our commitment to delivering outstanding customer service. From the moment you step into our salon, you will be greeted with warmth and respect. Our friendly and attentive staff will listen to your needs, offer personalized advice, and ensure that you leave feeling confident and satisfied with your locs. At Series Jamaican Locs, we understand that your locs are an expression of your unique personality. That's why we offer a wide range of styles, colors, and maintenance options to suit.

  • Provider

    Bestman Monday

  • Email

  • Category

    Beauty and Fashion

  • Specialty

    Women Salon & Hair Stylist

  • Provides service at customer location


  • Address

    128 128 Rumuepirikom/Iwofe Rd

  • City

    Port Harcourt

  • State



Show Phone Number
Posted 04-Aug-23 12:46
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Safety Tips for Users

  • Make sure to meet service provider in public place.
  • Do not pay before a service is rendered.
  • Conduct security checks on personal and home service providers.
  • Tell the service provider that you found him/here on
  • Come back and rate service provider after he/she has rendered service.

  • Comment Form

    Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

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    at FileSessionHandler->write('ATNrXsSI8jeydE7vlVjVnjXCcxMYVX7JIwCEemZo', 'a:3:{s:6:"_token";s:40:"58RM08pIC3G5ncrngjxIsQbYxJwKhkSaJnGUHmsh";s:9:"_previous";a:1:{s:3:"url";s:45:"";}s:6:"_flash";a:2:{s:3:"old";a:0:{}s:3:"new";a:0:{}}}')in Store.php line 129
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