How to Register and Place Adverts on

How to Register on

Before you can place and ad on, you need to be a registered member on the platform. Take the following steps to register your business:

1.            Visit the website

2.            Click on ‘Register’.

3.            Fill in your ‘User Email’, ‘Your Name’ and ‘Mobile Number’.

4.            Input your friend’s referral code if you were referred by a friend.

5.            Input your password and Confirm it.

6.            Click the box that shows that you agree with the Terms of Use of as well as our Privacy Policy if you have read them. Otherwise read them before clicking on the box.

7.            Click SIGN UP to complete your registration.

How to Place Adverts on

After you have successfully registered as a member on the platform, you can then place adverts on the platform. To place advert, you need to start by logging in with your Email or Phone Number and Password to your dashboard. Once you are in your dashboard, take the following steps:

1.            Click on ‘Add New Service’.

2.            Input the correct details of your service in the form that appears.

3.            Endeavour to choose the correct Category and Subcategory for your service. Choosing the right Category and Subcategory makes it easy for people to find your service on the platform.

4. Make sure that you put a very detailed description of the service you offer. This makes it easier for clients to understand your job and decide to choose your service. It also makes it easier for search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo to notice and bring up your ad when people search. Look at the following 2 descriptions below for an Event Planner.

Description A:   I plan your events to make it a memorable one. Contact us on 080xxxx. A trial will convince you.

Description B:   At Wazzobbia Events Management, we take care of all aspects of your event from choosing the venueto Decorations, Catering, Music and Entertainment (Dj) and Security. We are great at handling formal, casual and traditional occasions. You do not need to stress yourself. Just give us your budget and we will plan your event around it. We make sure to carry you along at every stage of the planning in order to make it a memorable event. Why not give us a try?   

Description B is Better.

5.            Upload more than 5 clear pictures of your service (you can upload as many as 10 pictures). This picture could be a combination of pictures showing the end result of your service, pictures of you or your team doing the work and your business logo.

6.            Click on the ‘Add Tags’ space if this ad can be linked to other subcategories. For instance, an Event Planner who renters Cake baking and Catering service should select ‘Cake Baking’ and ‘Catering’ in this section. When you add Cake baking and Catering as tags, ensure that the pictures you uploaded include Cake baking and Catering pictures and not only Event planning pictures.

7.            When you have correctly filled the form, Click on ‘Post’ to post your ad.

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